
A full stack enterprise data platform, built for manufacturers

Supercharge operations, process & IT teams to build data-driven applications, empowering operators & driving productivity improvements

Unify data across the factory floor

With Ferry Flows, break down fragmented data silos and standardise data across your frontline operations in real-time. Design, measure and monitor custom metrics & KPIs to understand every aspect of your production operations.

No-code data flow builder

Design your data pipelines from a single interface with Ferry's intuitive visual drag-and-drop editor. Chain data sources, transformations and data destinations with powerful no-code building blocks.

Advanced tooling, for advanced use cases

Process improvements often require statistical analysis or real-time machine learning. Ferry's streaming SQL capabilities allow users to design & calculate any metric they need to fit their use case. Going one step further, Ferry enables users to run code applications to process data & run AI in real-time on the factory floor.

Industrial integrations, out-of-the-box

Leverage Ferry's range of data connectors to common industrial connectors (i.e. OPC-UA, EtherNet/IP, Profinet, Modbus TCP etc) to connect to PLCs, data historians, databases & more. Accelerate data gathering efforts without requiring changes to equipment or IT processes.

One click reusable pipelines

Once you have designed a data pipeline in Ferry Flows, replicate your application in one-click. Ferry allows you to reuse data pipelines across production lines & operational sites, and manage them in a single place.

Build custom data-driven manufacturing applications

Advanced manufacturing applications, such as predictive maintenance or quality control, often require use case specific algorithms or AI models to run in real-time on the factory floor. Ferry provides innovative manufacturers with a development toolkit to help them (& their system integrators) to build, deploy & manage these manufacturing applications.

Any application, any language, any device

Write code in Ferry's browser IDE as easily as you write code on your local environment. Develop in any language for any hardware device, with full code versioning and integrated deployment for smooth workflows.

Bootstrap applications with the Ferry Marketplace

Quickstart your development with Ferry application templates that auto-generates files for you. Select from a range of starter templates in the Ferry Marketplace to build applications for a wide range of industrial use cases.

Test & deploy applications with embedded tooling

Quickly test your applications on your physical edge devices utilizing Ferry's debugger capabilities. Integrate Ferry into your existing CI/CD workflows with our Github integration for seamless deployments.

Collaborate with system integrators in one platform

Invite your system integrators & partners to build applications for your manufacturing teams within Ferry. Connect your existing cloud provider to Ferry to keep control of all data, IP and applications when bringing in third party development partners.

Deploy applications to edge devices in seconds

Ferry's enhanced no-code deployments allow you to deploy multiple applications to sets of edge gateway devices in one click. Save months of developer time and avoid the burden of maintaining complex technical infrastructure by deploying your applications through Ferry's rails.

Bring your own cloud, or use ours

Connect your AWS and Azure cloud accounts to maintain complete control over your data & IP. Ferry auto-provisions all the necessary resources needed to deploy your applications to your devices. Or if you prefer, use our hosted AWS and Azure accounts to get up and running quickly.

Adjust and update deployments in one place

Add and remove multiple applications and sets of devices from deployments quickly & securely. Update applications to more recent versions with no-code tooling. Ferry ensures that there are no application conflicts on your devices proactively to ensure smooth and effective deployments.

Advanced runtime configurability for fine-grained control

Deeply customize runtime configurations for applications before and after they have been deployed to your devices. Ferry ensures that you have complete access to the full power of AWS Greengrass and Azure IoT Edge to tailor your deployments to your specific requirements.

Provision devices with a single command

Connect any device to communicate securely & directly to your own cloud account. Register devices with Ferry seamlessly & securely with tokenized one-line installers. Ferry works with any hardware device that supports Linux or Windows.

Monitor applications & devices holistically in real-time

Build a panoramic view of what is happening across all your edge devices at all times. Have peace of mind knowing exactly which applications are running on each device, with extensive logs & error monitoring in real-time.

Track logs across your devices

See which devices are connected, running and where errors are occurring. Get access to device logs without having to SSH into devices or trawl through your cloud provider's portal.

Granularly monitor your applications

Dive deep into individual application logs on a per-device level to identify issues post deployment. Gain end-to-end visibility of your applications from build steps through to runtime performance.

Keep tabs on deployments

Ferry syncs in real-time with your cloud provider to track deployments across all your devices. Quickly discover errors with end-to-end observability across deployments, devices and applications running on your devices.

Securely access devices remotely

Reduce the burden for on-site maintenance teams by removing the need for periodic physical checkups on devices. Gain the ability to access containers running on devices as well as the terminal. Invoke direct methods straight to devices through your chosen cloud provider for secure communications.