
Real-time manufacturing intelligence, tailored to your operations

Understand every aspect of your operations from process start to process end. Combine monitoring, analytics, AI intelligence and automated workflows all within one collaborative platform.

Analytics, in real-time, in the moment

Monitor & analyze all aspects of your operations in real-time. Keep a pulse on production, and an eye on downtime or operational interruptions. Leverage Ferry's metric templates to quickly monitor common production KPIs, whilst maintaining the flexibility to define & measure any operational metric.

Visualize all operational KPIs in one place

Track all production metrics across machines, lines and sites all in one platform. Monitor throughput, cycles, downtime, OEE and more with out-of-the-box templates. Build live dashboards to keep everyone up to speed on the state of production.

Customize metrics to match your process

Every production process is different, so cookie cutter analytics do not pass muster. Customize your KPIs with Ferry's flexible metrics builder, and monitor any KPI you need to build a full understanding of your operations.

Share & collaborate across teams

Multiple teams - across operations, quality, maintenance, automation & more - all have an impact on manufacturing success. Foster collaboration & efficient decision making by creating visual analysis & dashboards that can be shared across teams.

Augment analytics with frontline intelligence

Machine data can only tell part of the story of production. Operators have in-depth knowledge about what is happening on the factory floor. Give them the tools & information to see what is happening in real-time, and enable them to contribute their knowledge into a consistent reporting framework to augment machine data.

Build your own reporting framework

Each production process can often be subject to different faults, issues & reasons for downtime. Customize your own flexible reporting framework within Ferry to capture the reasons behind downtime and defects.

Empower operators to share their knowledge

Give operators intuitive, easy to use tools for them to annotate periods of production. Tag reasons behind downtime, issues & downtime in real-time, and automatically embed that frontline intelligence into visual analytics & dashboards within Ferry.

Align production to your schedules

Go beyond tracking production plans in Excel, and integrate your scheduling workflow with Ferry's analytics engine. Monitor which production processes are on track & which are behind, and adjust planning on the fly to account for everyday changes in operations

Take action on issues proactively

Build rules & thresholds within Ferry's analytics & intelligence engine to automatically generate alerts to the relevant operators when a production issue arises. Customize your alerting framework to trigger notifications with predictive metrics before an interruption production occurs.

Investigate, examine & improve

Continuous improvement is a never-ending challenge of data gathering, analysis, and implementation. Utilize Ferry's advanced capabilities to accelerate difficult to perform production analytics, monitor long-term trends, and deep-dive into data to uncover correlations, patterns, and opportunities for improvement.

Explore your manufacturing data & uncover insights

Gather real-time data from across the factory floor, and break down disparate data siloes across PLCs, on-premise databases and sensors. Unify data across different systems, and use no-code & low-code tools to create your own custom metrics that you can track over time

Conduct statistical process analysis for deep process analysis

Statistical process control is a bedrock of modern process engineering and lean manufacturing / six sigma practices. Build common SPC metrics using Ferry's templates, and track advanced analytics in real-time from machines on the factory floor

Run AI in real-time for anomaly detection

Embed anomaly detection by deploying your ML & AI models to run in production in real-time on the factory floor. Integrate your production AI with existing data flows & analytics for closed loop control & feedback.